Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Today I learned that a guitar is best in tune

If its strings are stretched in the process of putting them on.

“Is there a connection between stretching and being in tune?”


But is there? Do you we long for connections unnecessarily?

Sometimes I feel like my heart is being wrenched from my chest.


Growing pains. When you are little and then all of a sudden you’re growing so tall and your bones and your skin are fighting to make room for all of you and it hurts.


The musician pulling the new strings on his guitar.


The heart needs more brokenness so it is made bigger to love.

The bones need to fuse and grow and pull in the body to make us taller.

The strings need to be pulled and played for lasting quality sound.


I see God stretching us to play us in tune for eternity.

I don’t want to get to heaven and lose my tune.

I want to be part of his harmonies forever. Lasting beautiful sounds. Like pieces of color on glass. From the sunlight. Stretching.

Light stretching from heaven to earth for the people.

LIGHT stretching on skin to bring the world to GOD. To bring the world back in tune.

“Is there a connection between stretching and being in tune?”

Oh, yes.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

please ask Candy or Heather to reenact for you the process of me stringing and tuning my guitar... I amuse even myself.

good stuff, sister.