Monday, April 23, 2007

Genesis 2:7


It covers

Like a soft white sheet

That smothers and chokes,

But it dances

In the air


Light catches

And here in the eye

It becomes


This is love on us

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A person must be moved with passion and yearning for them to tell the wine from the cup. This is the same as someone who is hungry, who hasn’t eaten for ten days, and another who has eaten five times a day. Both see a loaf of bread. The full one sees only more food, but the hungry person sees life, itself. To the hungry, this bread is a goblet, and the life it brings is wine. Such wine cannot be known except through hunger and yearning. Acquire this appetite so you will not only see the appearances of form, but will find the Beloved everywhere.

The forms of this world are cups. Science, art and knowledge are inscriptions upon the cup. When the cup is broken, those inscriptions disappear. Therefore, those who drink the wine see “the eternal reality, the deeds of holiness...”
