Late Sunday afternoon, my roommate and I decided to go to the local Baptist church’s block party. We ran into neighbors and friends there, ate and chit chatted with people.
A few little girls we know decided that they wanted to go on the inflatable moon bounce things, whatever they’re called. So, my roommate having left to go be responsible, I stayed in line with these girls, waiting for their turn.
While we were waiting in line to take off shoes and bounce, I heard some boys in front of us yelling.
“Disgrace in your heart! Disgrace in your heart!”
They yelled this as they punched each other repeatedly in the chest. Waiting for parental units to intervene, I thought, “Where did they hear such a thing?”
The little girls I was with were oblivious to the boys. But my head was spinning and my heart felt sad.
What are little boys yelling about disgrace for?
We all carry it.
And, yeah, it’s in our hearts.
And we get slammed in the chest with it.
But I’m a child of the King. Do I yet live in all my disgrace, shame, dishonor and the resulting condemnation?
So often my enemy comes with ready fist to give me another humiliating punch. And I feel wave after wave of ensuing disappointment, sadness and disgrace.
But, “…whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God.” (I John 3:20-21, emphasis mine)
Grace, grace, GRACE IN YOUR HEART!!!
This is the refrain of the King. This is what he sings over us, when the enemy comes to give us another bloody blow.
Every time I’m knocked back into my corner, I hear the song, “Grace, grace, grace in your heart, pouring from my hands and feet and side, pouring over you, grace, grace, grace in your heart.”
These boys are participating in the lie that we so oft believe. I do it, too. Let myself be bruised again, or kick a brother or sister and say, “Shame on you,” instead of correcting in love.
When will these boys and I learn the new song, “Grace, grace, grace in your heart”?